Sell out your courses, programs and services

By creating offers that sell, and writing copy that converts

Case Study: A New Client Within Two Weeks

Emma signed up to work with me because she felt that her marketing was stale, her posting was inconsistent, and she wanted to increase the number of leads reaching out to her.

In the first two weeks working together, we focused on a deep-dive into rewriting her offer.

Within a day of sharing her ‘Bulletproof Offer’, she had a new enquiry.

Within a week, she had a new client.

Client-attraction messaging and non-sleazy strategies that help you:

  • Launch new offers (without complicated and soul-sucking strategies)

  • Sell more than one thing at a time (if you want to)

  • Learn to write sales copy that’s authentically ‘you’ AND resonates with your audience

  • Make more sales of your existing offers

  • Sell regularly with confidence (and without resorting to sleazy tactics)

  • Learn systems and create habits that make it easy to consistently promote your business

  • Test new ideas with paid customers (and then improve and refine it over time)

  • Make money quickly from new ideas (before you’ve created anything)

  • Get clear on your message (who you help, and how you help them)

Get the right words in front of the right people…and you CANNOT fail to get more clients

All it takes is

4 simple steps

To sell out your courses, programs and services

Finally understand what your audience is struggling with – and how to tap into the language they use to describe it themselves

Quickly launch new ideas to paying clients, instead of spending months or years trapped in a cycle of perfectionism

Simple promotional activities that bring qualified leads into your business

Learn a proven 3-step process for writing engaging and conversion-focused content in 20 minutes or less per post

The Confident Copy Club

Whether you want to consistently sell one offer, or create a suite of multiple offers – The Confident Copy Club roadmap will guide you through a simple system to sign up more clients (that only takes 20 mins/day to execute)

This is a complete system that’s been designed to help you stay consistent with your marketing message AND learn the skill of writing sales copy for your business.

You get access to a full suite of training, copy clinic calls, group coaching, personalised feedback, editing sessions, and accountability.

Phase 1

Uncover Your Brand Message

  • Learn how to convey the “you need this in your life” to your audience (instead of agonising over a blank page)

  • Learn why typical ‘client avatar’ exercises don’t work, (and what to do instead).

  • Find out what your dream clients ACTUALLY wants you to help them with
    (and stop guessing, copying others or making it up as you go.)

  • Create your Messaging Matrix – the blueprint to signing up more of your perfect clients by finding the specific messages that connect with them on that journey.

  • Get your clients writing 80% of your copy for you, by using my proven templates and worksheets

Build Your Brand Messaging Toolkit

  • Create your Brand Messaging Toolkit – your brand bible that contains all the ideas, inspiration and copywriting gold to speak directly to your ideal clients

  • How to position yourself as the ONLY choice
    for the people you’re best positioned to help

  • Create your Brand Stories. Connect deeply with your audience by sharing your mission,values and the reasons you started your business in the first place.

  • Create bite-sized money-making messages.
    From headlines to taglines, you’ll learn how to pack a powerful punch with your tiny messaging statements

Phase 2

Create Your Offer Suite

  • Learn the difference between money-making offers and audience-building offers,
    and which to focus on in your business right now

  • How to create an offer suite that brings in leads every day (and turns them into buyers)

The Irresistible Offer Framework

  • Learn a repeatable process for creating irresistible offers. Once you understand how to do this, you’ll be able to launch new offers quickly and profitably (without ever second-guessing yourself)

  • Uncover the driving force that makes your ideal client absolutely HAVE TO work with you. When you articulate this into selling your offer, everything else falls into place.

  • Learn how to explain the benefits of your work, and describe the transformations your clients get from working with you

  • Discover how to confidently price yourself and your services.

  • Why you need to break your offer down into mini-wins (and how to craft this into your offer).

Validate Your Offer (With Sales)

  • Quickly launch new ideas to paying clients,
    instead of spending months or years trapped in a cycle of perfectionism

  • Learn my 2-week sprint process to quickly make money from new ideas
    (without getting bogged down in complicated launching strategies).

  • Get access to scripts, frameworks and copywriting templates to sell-out your new offers

Phase 3

Build Your Audience

  • Bring new people into your world every day
    with your audience-building offer

  • Spend just 20-min/day on promotional activities that move the needle in your business

  • Get access to a simple audience-building checklist

  • Learn three simple strategies to reliably get clients through Facebook.

Phase 4

Content-writing Frameworks

  • Learn a proven system to write content that connects with your audience, and converts them into clients and customers

  • Get new clients reaching out to work with you because you’ve developed a clear and consistent message

  • Learn a proven 3-step process for writing engaging and conversion-focused content in 20 minutes or less per post

  • Frameworks, templates and step-by-step guidance on what to say, and where.
    No more feeling of ‘where do I even start?’

  • Easily prepare batches of content for all the social media platforms

  • Follow my step-by-step framework for writing sales posts (that turn lurkers into buyers)… while staying authentic to your brand voice. No more worrying about coming across as ‘sleazy’.

20 Min/Day Promotion Schedule

  • Always have a birds-eye view of your content. No more worries about repeating yourself, or being boring or repetitive

  • Know exactly what to write each day with the Brand Aura System – and be confident that you’re writing about topics that your audience wants to hear about

  • Kick procrastination to the curb. When you connect your content back to the ‘trigger’ ideas from your research, you have everything you need at your fingertips to just get it written, posted…and then move on with your day

PLUS… monthly mentorship

Support and feedback on your offers, copy and messaging

  • 2 x Monthly group coaching sessions

    As you work through the roadmap you can join us on bi-weekly calls to work through any issues that are holding you back

  • Weekly copy-clinic feedback

    Send through your copy and I'll create a Loom video giving you insights and tips

  • Access to support in the members-only Facebook group

    If you’re stuck or feeling confused, we answer your questions and guide you with your next step – keeping you moving forward consistently

Are you ready to sign up more clients, earn a consistent income, and make a bigger impact through your work?

More engagement and new clients…

Jasmine used her time in the program to narrow down her messaging and integrate that into her entire sales process.

She enrolled new clients.

She had potential clients reaching out to her in her DMs.

She had people messaging her to thank her – telling her how much she’s transformed their life just from the content I was posting.

This program is for you if…

  • You're in the earlier stages of your business

    You may already have paying clients, or maybe you’re trying to get your first clients.

    We focus on quick-wins and getting results, which is perfect when you’re launching new offers

  • You are happy to promote yourself

    Sales copy only works if you put it in front of your audience.

    By combining regular promotional and lead-generating activities with writing and sharing a strong offer – you’ll quickly make sales

  • You want to 10x your investment

    This system will help you to get clarity around the value of your work, so you can price your offers accordingly.

    If you create and sell an offer that’s worth £500 (or $500), you’ll only need 1 client to see a positive ROI on a full YEAR inside The CC Club.

    And in the long-term, this program will help you to create and sell offers over and over for you business, you should see at least a 10x ROI over the next 6-12 months.

A weight off her shoulders, and new clients

Lenise is a spiritual life coach, and working with me helped her to narrow down her target audience, and what’s the one or two things to really focus on.

That lifted a weight off her shoulders and enrolled more people into her course.

Here’s what some people who’ve been implementing my strategies have been saying…

In summary, when you sign up you get…

  • A repeatable system for creating and selling profitable offers

  • Templates and frameworks to help you with writing headlines, persuasive bullet points, email subject lines, sales copy snippets, and more…

  • A complete system for planning and writing your social media content

Hi, I'm Cathy

I know your feed and emails are flooded with marketers sharing the latest ‘hack’ or ‘miracle strategy’.

I mean, I’ve fallen for my fair share of them too. #helloshinyobjectsyndrome

All the other ways of creating content and copy that I’ve tried…brainstorming, templates, systems with spreadsheets and post-it notes and wotnot…none of it sticks.

And I know after speaking to so many business owners, that I’m not the only one.

There’s only so much creative energy for coming up with umpteen variations of what your ideal client is ‘being kept up at night worrying about’.

I realised one day that the answer was staring me in the face.

In my work as a copywriter, I NEVER use any of those techniques.

Everything I do is fuelled by research.

By using testimonials and case studies, or reviews and surveys, I create building blocks that are the foundation of the copy I write.

So why wasn’t I using this approach for my own marketing content?

(SIDE NOTE: Don’t you love a eureka moment?!)

Once I started applying this copywriter’s approach to marketing, I suddenly had more content than I knew what to do with.

Also, like 80% of the work is done for you already.

All those feelings of overwhelm? Poof…gone!

I then started offering this to my clients.

I consistently got feedback about how dialled in the content is (matching THEIR voice and hitting home with their audience).

I trained up my team members in the same system, and it worked great for them.

So now, I’m sharing it with business owners too.

Need help? Send our team an email at

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